
CityVille Beginners Guide

Zynga has added another ‘Ville game following on the success of Frontierville earlier this year. This time instead of dealing with crops and killing snakes you are tasked with dealing with building a city and taxpayers. Now for the first time, you will feel how to be a mayor and run a city minus the hassles of dealing with red tape and such. All these in the comfort of your home and the internet.
Cityvillesplash CityVille Facebook Cheats, Tips and Beginners Guide
“Build the city of your Dreams” is the prominent tagline that greets you on the splash page. Immediately right after starting the game you will be given a guided tour which will show you the basic functionalities as well as the various game controls at your disposal. The guided tour actually does a great job in showing you all the stuff that is needed for you to get going.
Cityville CityVille Facebook Cheats, Tips and Beginners Guide
Your trusty secretary and assistant Samantha is the one responsible for guiding you on the games early stages. She will be there to offer tips and advices as well as urgent updates regarding your city.
CityvilleMenu CityVille Facebook Cheats, Tips and Beginners Guide
The heart of the game is actually the build menu. It is where you will be spending most of your time aside from the gameboard. The menu offers you a plethora of items that is necessary to running your city. The items are placed in categories according to their function. It actually somehow resembles that of My Empire but only thing is that you are dealing with a modernized urban center on this one.
Cityville Energy Guide
It actually has become Zynga’s practice to introduce an energy system to all of their games. Every action requires energy. This is actually where economics come into play. One should effectively utilize his/her energy supply. Energy replenishes over time or you can use Zynga cash to purchase energy packs.
Cityville Energy CityVille Facebook Cheats, Tips and Beginners Guide
Be wary that energy can be only pruchased through Cash which is a very limited resource not unless you decide to really spend some real world cash on them.
CityvilleCash CityVille Facebook Cheats, Tips and Beginners Guide
Cityville Cheats
If you are looking for Cityville cheats or hacks, unfortunately there are none and I believe Zynga is working very hard to keep there games free from any cheats. Cheats as we all know destroy the integrity of a game and everything then becomes boring after sometime. The only way to actually get ahead in this game is through spending real-world currency in buying cash. Cityville Cash actually gives one the power to quicken the pace of things.
If you are looking for a comprehensive Cityville Guide, feel free to subscribe to this site or visit Virtual City Hub. It is actually a fansite dedicated to bringing the latest info in Cityville.


Anonymous said...

This brand new released CityVille Hack is definitely one of the best hack you can find online, it has almost all features you can need, starting from unlimited coins adding to your account and ending with bot functions, like auto building business for you and much more. These CityVille Cheats 100% works -- all what you do with it stays for ever in your account and do not gone like with a lot of free hacks, which you can find on the internet, it does it's job perfectly. Also it has ANTI-BAN feature so it keeps your account really safe, hack is virally undetectable. We still working with this hack, all updates will be available in program. Here's the link CityVille Cheat Chat Forum.

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